Who Protects My Family?

Who Protects My Family?

White supremacist in America are making it known that America was created for white people. The lives of Foundational Black  Americans, brothers and sisters of the diaspora as well as…
I Am A Writer

I Am A Writer

I wrote my first movie synopsis way back in 1977. It was called, Star Wars 2. It took me three days to write the 2 page outline. When I read…
The Player’s Code

The Player’s Code

In my 20’s I chose to be a criminal… I wasn’t forced into “The Game.” In fact most of my elders tried to talk me out of it. “You got…
With The E-R Or Not

With The E-R Or Not

NIGGER or NIGGA, If your ancestors weren’t called this in a attempt to degrade or humiliate them because of their skin color don’t call me It. If your ancestors weren’t…
Bad Guys VS Good Guys

Bad Guys VS Good Guys

When a person chooses a life in law enforcement they are taking an oath to uphold laws of this country and the United States Constitution. These individuals should be held…
I Want My MTV

I Want My MTV

I’m old enough to remember when MTV played nothing but music videos. I also remember that none of the artist airing in 1981 – 1982 looked like me. They were…