Bad Guys VS Good Guys

Bad Guys VS Good Guys

When a person chooses a life in law enforcement they are taking an oath to uphold laws of this country and the United States Constitution. These individuals should be held to a higher standard than the average American citizen. When these “Good Guys” break the laws that they were sworn to protect they have crossed over to the other team. They are now officially criminals wearing the “Good Guy” uniform.

Imagine Batman & Robin catching a jewel thief red handed and Robin decides to pocket a few of the ill gained diamonds for himself. If Batman does nothing he is no better than the Joker.

If an officer of the law wants you off the streets there is nothing you can do to stop it. Most Foundational Black Americans know this first hand. Once you comply and allow those handcuffs to be placed on you it’s game over.

Oh, and let’s not forget those “Turn A Blind Eye” police. “So what, he took a couple racks from a drug dealer. I don’t condone it, but I didn’t pocket any.” These bad guys by proxy are the worst, because they truly believe that they are still fighting the good fight.

You don’t believe me? Ask yourself when was the last time you’ve heard of a police officer taking time off of work to go to court to fight a traffic ticket they received? It never happens! Police protect their own just like any other gang protects it’s members. It’s seldom that a cop is punished for breaking the law while in uniform and for this reason I trust none of them.

The media would have you believe that white cops are out of control, but I assure it’s all police. Just like gangs have a hierarchy, so do police. White police are at the top and everyone else falls under them. Imagine black law enforcement policing predominantly white neighborhoods with the same force and intensity that their white counterparts do? Imagine black law enforcement claiming that they “feared for their life” when confronting a white person. The officer pictured on the right did, and… well you know. (In Dave Chappelle voice.) “Good luck with those appeals, nigger!”

To be honest I’m not even sure if it’s black versus white, or rich versus poor. But I will say this, poor neighborhoods are more prone to violent acts by police. I believe police are more hesitant to step over the line in influential areas in fear that they may accidentally harass someone in a higher tax bracket than theirs, someone with better political contacts than theirs or, God forbid someone petty and wealthy.

Here is a small list of “infractions” that I have been detained for:

going 3 miles over the speed limit
going under the speed limit
for having a air freshener on my rear view mirror
looking suspicious
making eye contact with an police officer
riding a bike against traffic
having too nice of a car
riding in a hooptie
eating three grapes in a supermarket
farting in a Dunkin Donuts
topping off my gas tank
playing music too loud
tints too dark

If you can add to this list, hit me off with the wildest shit you’ve been detained for in the comment section.