Who Protects My Family?

Who Protects My Family?

White supremacist in America are making it known that America was created for white people. The lives of Foundational Black  Americans, brothers and sisters of the diaspora as well as brothers and sisters that immigrated from Africa are not viewed as equal.

Recently, said that “on behalf of the MAGA patriots in America,” she wanted to thank Trump “for the historic victory for white life in the Supreme Court.”

Think about this statement. She said “White life”, not human life not even American life. This is a public official, a woman whose salary is paid by our tax dollars, a woman who is suppose to represent all Americans, but has chosen consciously and publicly to side with white supremacist!

Foundational Black Americans should be terrified. These homegrown European American terrorist are on the rise and becoming more and more embolden. As European Americans slip into negative birth rates they are beginning to understand that their fight is a fight for genetic survival across the globe.

There’s a war going on outside no man is safe from

You can run but you can’t hide forever




As of this writing there have been over 300 mass shootings in America. By the time law enforcement shows up to the scene it is to late, the damage has been done. On those occasions when they do make it in a timely manner it is at their discretion to help those in need. Even in the most dire of situations Foundational Black Americans have always been reluctant to call on law enforcement, because in black neighborhoods everyone looks like the suspect to police.

Have you ever wondered why police are so quick to stop FBA’s for the most trivial offenses? Well the answer is two fold…

First, they want to enter your personal information into national databases such as DAVID or NCIC. As soon as this is accomplished the system has you. No matter where you go in this country the next officer to run your name is going to view you as a threat, even though your initial interaction was for jaywalking or riding your bicycle without a license.

Secondly, police have a monthly quota to meet. When I was a teenager in Brooklyn during the 80’s, we called that quota the “15 And 1“. Most officers would let you slide if they caught you doing some minor infraction at the end of the month. The reasoning behind this end of the month phenomena was thought to be that most officers had already hit their mandatory quota of 15 tickets and 1 arrest. Thus, 15 And 1, but there is a deeper, darker agenda. For every arrest that produces a felony, officers have effectively taken away the right to vote and the right to bear arms from an American citizen.

One in four Black men do not enjoy the right to keep and bear arms, while European Americans are stockpiling and buying more than ever. European Americans are making it clear… they don’t want us here and some are taking these ideologies to extremes.

During my 10 years of federal incarceration I had to explain to my grandmother what I would need to become inside to make it back to the outside alive. She calmly stated, “I’d rather get you a lawyer than a coffin”.

As ex-felon I am not legally allowed to own a firearm, but is that fair to my family?

On October 31, 2018 around 10:30 pm our house’s alarm system activated. There was someone trying to forcefully open the front door to our house. It was at this moment that I realized how defenseless I was. With no other alternative I rushed into the kitchen and grabbed the largest knife in sight. As I made my way back to the front door “it” happened again. For the 13th time in my lifetime, Time slowed down to damn near a stand still. I became acutely aware of my surroundings. I could hear my wife racing to my son’s room. I was able to peek through the front window and saw this white man, with a white T-shirt and both arms covered in tats continue to jiggly the doorknob. Two jiggles than a forceful shoulder to the door… Two jiggles than a forceful shoulder to the door. The dead bolt was the only thing keeping him from out of my house. When I “returned” to my body I knew what I had to do. In real time I watched the two jiggles and timed the shoulder to the door perfectly. As his shoulder was about to  hit the door I quickly unlocked the deadbolt causing him to fall into the house face first. As I swung the knife down to strike, my wife hysterically yells out from the top of the stairs, ‘No-No No-No!” This stops me cold in my tracks. When my wife flips the light on we realize that it is our next door neighbors drunk son home from college. His key was in our door, but he was at the wrong house.

I don’t give a fuck what the consequences are I promised myself I will never feel like that in my own home again.


I’d rather get you a lawyer than a coffin

Mama Tessie

Mama Tessie, Michael & Moochie © 2019 Michael C. Emanuel