With The E-R Or Not

With The E-R Or Not

NIGGER or NIGGA, If your ancestors weren’t called this in a attempt to degrade or humiliate them because of their skin color don’t call me It. If your ancestors weren’t burned alive, lynched and discriminated against because of their skin color, don’t call me It. If your ancestors weren’t sexually assaulted and then forced to give away their offspring for sale, don’t call me It. If your skin is like mine please respect my request when I say, don’t call me It.

Last night, while playing Call Of Duty a young white kid used the word nigger so much I had to ask him to chill. I told him that it was offensive to me and that younger kids were in the lobby with us. He called me, “one of them old niggas.” As we continued to play he began to school me on the word nigger. He explained to me that he wasn’t using it hatefully and that it just meant, friend or homeboy. “As long as you don’t use the “ER” at the end it’s no big deal. He went on to tell me that he uses it at school around his black friends and that, “they don’t mind.”

I use to say the word “nigga” a lot when I was younger. (Even more during my 10 years of incarceration.) I used it because the mother fuckers I looked up to and wanted to be like used it, but there were several unwritten rules about the word that my contemporaries and I heeded. We would…

Never utter “It” in the presence of an elder.
Never use “It” in mixed company.
Respect kin folk’s request to not be called “It”.
If “They” call you “It” your life is in danger.

And just like the pimps, drug dealers and hustlers I emulated, I now realize that young White, Asian and non black Hispanic kids worship masculine Foundational Black Americans. I get it! We are the cockiest mother fuckers walking this planet. Everything about us they idolize. Our natural stride, our speech and mannerism. The way the Sun strengthens our bodies… god dammit I get It!

In America we were led to believe that the worst thing you can call a person with melanated skin is a Nigger. On the opposite side of that coin it’s Cracker for whites, but cracker is more of Ole southern American ethnic slur. It doesn’t really have that slap to it when you leave the country. Those white people on the continent of Asia probably have no idea that the word Cracker is suppose to be an insult… But trust and believe the word nigger, even over there still hits home.

To be honest with you the phrase, “My Nigga” flows off the tongue so smoothly, I get it. It’s spoken so casually these days that I propose we incorporate more ethnic slurs into the “It just means Friend or Homie” program.

In my online game playing experience the top 3 racial offenders of calling Foundational Black Americans nigger are Latin -Americans, European- Americans and Asian-Americans.

So, for my less melanated brothers instead of, “My Nigga” I’ve stumbled upon 12 new terms of endearment that we should substitute for “It” in 2023-2025.

Best Latin-American Terms Of Endearment for 2023 And Beyond

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Best European-American Terms Of Endearment for 2023 And Beyond

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Best Asian-American Terms Of Endearment for 2023 And Beyond

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I realize that most of these terms were once deemed offensive, but as of 2023 they just mean friend or homie. So I humbly reach out to my European, Latin and Asian family. Help my readers and I by selecting a 2023 slur term of endearment that we can use towards you to pay respect to your ancestors.