Year One: Entries 22-24

Entry Twenty-Two

Feed Me

They started letting us out of our cells to go to the chow hall today…

One unit at a time, one tier at a time. They have added metal detectors to each unit now.


The meal today was baked fish. I overheard a guard saying that we would be let off lockdown in the next few days. I hope he’s right. When Rob and I got back to the cell all of our property was out of place. I guess the guards decided one more cell search was needed. We’ve been locked down for 26 days and I’m starting to get cabin fever. I just want to scream. I asked Budd if he had any good books in his cell. He gave me, Dean Koonz’s “Hideaway”.


Entry Twenty-Three

Now What?

I haven’t written it for a while, since they freed us from the lockdown…

The lockdown lasted damn near a whole month. The person they charged with killing the guard is named Roy Green. Inmates know him by the name, Haneef.

Budd said he heard that Haneef had prior officer assaults on his jacket.  I’m not sure if I believe that.

I think I saw E-Rock today. I’m not really sure but it looked like him. King Ron, Big Ant and I robbed him of three kilos a couple of years ago. It’s not my fault that the nigga hid his drugs at his mother’s house. It was unfortunate that she was there, but my main man Ant told her not to move. The police report said she was pistol-whipped, but that wasn’t true. She was “struck” with the pistol I admit, but just enough to scare her. I’m not a violent man by nature, but the bitch could have been reaching for a gun as far as my man knew. We hit E-Rock for over three bricks, about forty thousand in tens and twenties, and a Glock 9mm.

[NOTE: Keep your family and your business separate] I heard the nigga had a small bounty on my head before he got locked up. Oh well, shit happens.

Yep! It’s E-Rock…

He’s going by the name Scientific now. I’m not sure how I’m going to handle this yet, but I have a feeling it’s about to get ugly. Pride and ego can fester in a nigga when it comes to past events. I’m gonna holla at Gold T later and let him know what’s up.

Entry Twenty-Four


Three days ago I was sent to the hole…

Big Rob bought a batch of pruno and left it in the cell without telling me. I was grabbing a pack of smokes from my locker when a guard came in and told me he was shaking my room down. Basically, what he meant was, “Get the fuck out nigger!” Cool, whatever… I went back next door to finish destroying Budd in our daily game of Risk. As soon as I rolled the dice I heard the guard calling my name. I returned to my cell and the guard is holding a water jug. He wants to know whose water jug it is.

If I tell him, “it’s not mine” I’m implying that it belongs to my cellie. Niggas might assume I’ve snitched Rob out. Not good. Now if it was mine I would go ahead and cop to it since it’s in my cell. And I know Rob is going to do that as soon as he gets back from the yard because he’s a solid nigga just like me. So I do what mother fuckers on “Law & Order never do… I shut the fuck up and don’t say anything. And here I sit charged with a pruno rap.

Before they came and took me to the hole a fight broke out in the unit between two Crips. This mother fucking guard left me unattended and handcuffed behind my back. I have never felt so vulnerable in my entire life. If shit would have popped off to something more severe I would have had no way to defend myself. We’ll see what happens with this pruno shit soon.