Year One: Entries 13-15

Entry Thirteen


This book, ‘The Stand’ Is crazy!…

I’m loving it. It’s about this killer virus that kills off most of the population of the earth. The remaining people have to fight to survive in this new world. Most of the people are having visions of either an old black woman or some crazy ass cracker. The black woman seems to be an agent of good and the cracker seems to be pure evil. I told Big Rob that The Stand would make a good movie.

We’re still on 24-hour lockdown. The guards brought us chow again today. For breakfast, we had an apple, a carton of milk, a box of cereal, and two hard-boiled eggs. I asked Big Rob if he wanted to trade my box of Kellogg’s Frosted Mini-Wheats for one of his hard-boiled eggs. ( I can’t believe Kellogg’s still uses pork by-products in their food.) He jumped on it.

I should be finishing up this book in a couple of hours. I really don’t want it to end.

Entry Fourteen


Last night I met the Anti-Christ at a Wu-tang concert…

My date was Nia Long… Yeah, the actress. We didn’t even have to wait in line. She had backstage passes. (So did the Anti-Christ)

The concert was mad ill! At the after-party, I knocked out about four imported beers. (The ones in the green bottle) It was jive cool rubbing shoulders with all the stars that were there. Nia disappeared for about twenty minutes with one of the co-stars from her last movie. At about this same time, I was feeling really good! A joint of some bomb-ass weed would have been right on time.

The Anti-Christ was kicking it with two fly-ass dime pieces. He motioned for me to come over. Now I ain’t one to ride the next man’s dick, but that mother fucker was rocking the hell out of his outfit. He had on some purple suede Wallies, with a pair of off-white silk pants… The shirt was the exact same color and material as the pants and the diamond cuff-links must have been at least 6kt. He introduced me to the two women, Kristine and Carmela. I gave a sly smile and said, “What up, I’m Michael.” Something must have been funny because they both started laughing. I was just about to bounce, but the Anti-Christ sparked up a fat ass spliff of that bubonic. He passed it to me after taking three hits. I hit it like a true champ. THE WEED WAS BANGING! I was straight after four tokes.

We split a bottle of 1969 Dom Pérignon Rosé and just kicked it. (The spirits needed some time in the crystal flute to settle down and start showing its character.) Your boy was feeling nice. Shit, Halle Berry was even flirting with me. (No bullshit!)

Nia came back and was ready to jet. I told the Anti-Christ I was about to be Swayze and we exchanged pager numbers. He said his code was triple 6. I had to laugh at that because mine is triple 7. He said we’d hook up again. We gave each other some dap and me and Nia jumped in the limo.

Entry Fifteen


I told Big Rob about the Nia Long, anti-Christ, Wu-Tang dream…

He said, “If Nia Long offered you some of that coochie, your young ass couldn’t handle it.” I wanted to say, “That’s not what your momma said!” What I actually said was, “Whatever nigga!”

How is a mother fucker gonna hate on the next man’s dreams? We talking about a mother fuckers dream! Damn, that’s all a nigga got up in this shit hole.

“The Stand” was a fucking amazing book. I’m giving it my highest rating 4 out of 4 stars. I told Big Rob that the book would make a good movie, but when I asked if he wanted to read it he said “No, way too many pages.

Me and Rob got into a little argument this morning. He doesn’t smoke, I do. He wants me to smoke standing by the door so that I can blow the smoke out onto the tier. Fuck that! That nigga ain’t running nothing up in here. As far as I’m concerned this nigga is living in my cell, not the other way around. And I didn’t like the tone he used asking.

Bud has been calling my name for the last 15 minutes. I know that mother fucker ran out of cigarettes. I’ve got two packs of BUGLER tobacco left. I gave Bud one of the packs. He knows the deal, I get two back for every one he borrows. I’m into Bud’s pocket pretty good at this point. I figure by the time this lockdown is over I won’t have to spend any of my own money at the commissary. And that’s just how I like it. Other people’s money.9




(The Nia Long, Anti-Christ dream was so vivid that I immediately wrote it down upon waking. I’m not sure what the dream meant, but I remember thinking in the dream as we got into the limousine… “I’m about to dig out Nia Long.”)